

Volunteers of Photometria have an important role in the preparation of the festival. Before it starts, the photos, the frames, the exhibition spaces need to be prepared. Each volunteer has the opportunity to learn everything about preparing, setting up and editing a photo exhibition.


After the preparation comes the operation of the exhibitions. Volunteers are the first impression of the festival’s image. They stay in the exhibition spaces providing useful information to the visitors about the happening, as well as taking care of the smooth functionalism of each space.


Every year, additionally to the exhibitions, the Photometria Festival has a variety of activities. Screenings, speeches, competitions, educational programs and much more. Volnteers are by the side of the people involved in our activities, making them have a unique experience!


Photometria Festival is one of the most important photo events in our country! We would not have reached this point without the constant promotion of our work. Before the  festival is on, our volunteers help by promoting the advertising material throughout the city and social media.

Do you want to be part of one of the biggest photographic celebrations?


Do you have the desire to learn new things?


Are you a person that loves volunteering and want to offer?



If yes, you are one of us!



Send us an email at info@photometria.gr with the title: “Volunteering”

© Photometria International Photography Festival